Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Decision making fatigue

1. In my personal experience, decision fatigue is a physiological condition. I never had realized it, but when i think back, and remember many instances where i feel i had suffered from it. the most apparent one is with my homework. On days i would have a lot of homework, when i first started i was able to think well and decide on an answer. But as the time wore on i would end up with no answers or a couple and i struggled to think and deduct and come to a final solution. Often times i would just stop trying and leave it for another day. In the article, i feel the judges suffered from the same thing. It is their job, yet they couldn't help struggling to decide at the end of the day, and took the option with least consequence, and was easier too. As for technology, i feel it is inhibiting me more often then helping. When i am mentally fatigued, it is very hard to resist  the temptation to google the question.

2. On the scale, i am  very high, most likely around a 7 or 8. Just being given a bad impression to start working with something i don't like makes my mental endurance even less.

3. Yes, i am prepared for the possibility of concentrating better. It seems to me, and this was addressed in the article, concentrating is simply a matter of how bad you want it and willpower. both of those things are something that the individuals can control.

4. In order to increase my concentration capacity, i basically have to do what the article said; exercise my willpower. Practicing my concentrating longer, mostly.

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